quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

10 Portuguese commandments

, the Kyoto Protocol, all polluting companies (including atomic) had to pay fines and fees to be reversed $ for non-polluting enterprises, including agricultural chemistry, revert to the
county: When faced with an obstacle, not to fight, invent a new way.
Fun fact: All that changed this world, Jesus, etc, etc, etc. ........... was only with the head, no work. curious

quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

10 Portuguese commandments

The existing system of capitalism is an economic-financial management that takes the most possibly and win the most possible, is a system that gives many problems. to environmental issues. and social. We have to invent a new system where there are advantages in individual freedom and commitment.
The world seems a messy house with Separation: North Korea, Haiti, Afganistão-
People should have their character but not hurting anyone
To get the equalities: the public schools must have the same quality as the private, soon there begins inequalities

domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011

10 Portuguese commandments

My biggest interest: astro-physical human

10 Portuguese commandments

Bosão de HIGGS
Boson of Higgi, from what I realized is that the physics of atmospheric Frazer you planned "when the butterflies of a butterfly beating everyone feels"

10 Portuguese commandments

Alan Guth
Universe in bubbles

10 Portuguese commandments

Garret Lisi
physical Astrology

10 Portuguese commandments

scary religious fundamentalism, whatever it is

quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011

10 Portuguese commandments

Os Chineses têm vários problemas,mas não me dizem respeito,mas Tibet sim,os Tibetanos façam como os Palestinianos de reconhecimento de territorio na ONU

10 Portuguese commandments

Os Muçulmanos gostam assim,só peço uma coisa aprendam com os outros,como todos.e a voz é para se falar.

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011

10 Portuguese commandments

conversa com Talibâns:
eu sei que nós temos muitos problemas e vossês dão muito valor á vossa tribo,mas convido-vos a porem os vossos conhcimentos na sopa Global que nunca está acabada,só peço 1 coisa,esqueçam por uns momentos o vosso Deus Alá,e olhem para vosses mesmo.sabe bem tambem aprendermos com nós mesmo.muito agradecido por aquilo que têm a dar.

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011