notes: Funny is generally the same people who are against bullfights are the same for abortion for me life starts from the sperm fertilizes the egg .Does not matter but have more important things to think.I ´m in favor of bloodless bullfighting.Invent.
agriculturewithchemistry justis consumed,because:thefarmers practicing farminghas +INCOMEFINANCIALANDCONSUMERScheaper,we arein the"CHEMICAL"justbecauseIT come outcheaper. Bad POLITIC
A Note. For the Anti-globalization: From the early days that there are transations comercial. For the seasonal fruit we need to run out of oil.There even afther that there wil be globalization. Invent something else.For me is Good Products.
The planet Earth is not Mother Nature,because the Planet is not a Source of Life,but a Maintenance.Only Once estalished live afther was a Maintanance and Development The Planet is father and the Sun mother that gives the ligth as the mother gives birth.
A note: What it takes to find a powerful source of energie and truly clean? STUDY But unlike for agriculture is the contrary,they have to go back to Natural.